Audrey Kawasaki and Kazuki Takamatsu paint a picture of innocence (and, subsequently, the disturbing loss of it) that resonates with me so well that I have to use big artsy words to describe it on a forum that doesn't care. (WARNING: Her art often contains sexually explicit material.) (Not necessarily sexually explicit, but often sexually suggestive.) Audrey paints on wood panels. This image is a part of my current wallpaper: Kazuki creates depth maps using acrylics. Here's an example:
So, you're a perv. loljk. Audrey's work is quite fantastic if I do say so myself. The wood block thing is cool, but I particularly like her faintly surreal style. Asian motifs are generally cool as well.
A day less than three months until you can call me a perv! And a few of them get super surreal, but still seem to keep the whole loss of innocence thing. I think it's the eyes.
That first sentence is not something I understand fully. The second artist is, I assume, good, but totally and completely 100% a style I am not enamored with, so I'm not willing to judge.
I am very curious as to why is such a large chunk of the Western population so infatuated with Asian art style.
It just so happens that both artists use asian art style techniques. I am more "infatuated" with their portrayal of innocence.
Because it's different. In the West, we see western art everywhere, we become desensitized to it. Asian art is strikingly different, and so many people are drawn to it. The reason people are drawn to Asian specifically, over, say, African, is merely a matter of exposure. It's more common, and more easily accessible in an internet archive.
And we all know what internet archive we're talking about. *nudge nudge* I never actually made a proper analysis of my views on drawn art. I guess it never really was part of my life.