Hi guys, So, I haven't been able to find the answer to this problem anywhere so far, basically what I want to do is take a current unit - a spectre - and give them new abilities (abilities which already exist in game). So for example, instead of them having cloak and mind blast etc. they would have, for example, snipe or any other ability. The problem is that although I give them the ability in the data editor as well as create a button for it on the command card, when I go into the game to test it, the ability doesn't show up. It's still there, if I press the right hotkey it will still be able to use the ability, but it won't show up on the command card. All that comes up is "right click to move, A and right click to attack" in the command card. I can't seem to fix this or find a solution as to how to get new abilities to show up on the card for a unit instead of their current abilities. Anyone know how to solve this? It seems to be related to the HoTS and update where the command card no longer has the classic attack/stop/patrol/move top section. I'm also having an issue at the moment with a mod that when I load a map with that particular mod as its dependencies, it won't add the new mod data from the latest save and instead just uses the old data. Any ideas? Thanks
Quick update: I figured out the issue with the mod; the editor was saving the mod file with the map files for some reason, which means before I can load the mod as a dependency I have to copy/paste it from the maps folder into the mods folder. A little bit of a time wasting hassle but at least it solves that problem easily enough. The main problem still persists however. I can add some abilities to units with no problems, and others it won't show up at all, or in my current case, I successfully added 2 new abilities to a unit, which worked and tested fine, but then added a third one and went to test it, and all my abilities dissapeared from the command card. how frustrating
Finally found a semi-solution. In gameplay settings if you switch off the 'simple command card' option (for HoTS and probably recent updates) all the abilities show up as they are supposed to. It still doesn't really solve the problem if someone wanted to use the simple command card while still having those abilities, but it serves well enough for my needs. The starcraft editor is so much more complicated than it has to be.