Hello, Blizzard tech support has no numbers to call or anything. What happened was I gave my friend username and password for an extra account I had purchased. Since he tried to use it, he lives far from me, a message popped up saying when I tried to log on with it that the account has been locked due to account being accessed in an unsual location. I have tried to follow the instructions but it keeps saying error email address is non existent. Man its a bunch of crap there is like no way I can reactivate my account now. >=\
Same problem Hi I have a similar problem. My account was hacked (the joys of owning WoW...). Anyway, I've tried every option available on the battle.net support site to get it unlocked without success. None of their old support email addresses are monitored, tried phoning them and got referred back to the support website, tried unlocking via cell phone and email, but the verifications don't come through. So I'm stuck too. Does anyone have any idea how we're supposed to go about getting this unlocked. I mean, I don't even care if I lose my Diablo or Warcraft games, I just want to play Starcraft 2.