Hello I'm seeing a little problem with the Starcraft 2 Starter Edition. As you know, the Starcraft 2 Starter Edition is the replacement for Starcraft 2 Demo that was released recently. It has better stuff then the Demo, and it is more upgraded. But the problem starts here: the Starcraft 2 skirmish does not work! When I chose a map to play, it says that you need to upgrade to the full version , and there is a button to upgrade or cancel. I usually only play skirmish instead of the campaign or the multiplayer, so the skirmish is critical to me. Any ways to solve this problem? -Thanks
I Had a similar problem to this i downloaded the standed edit and than i bought the game after i knew it was good but how do i activate it ? I click on the upgrade now button and than log in and it shows the game i already own but it wont give me the CD key
okay well smarty pants, i just got done downloading the upgrade. I purchased the starter edition at a store so everything with that is legit. Anyways after its done its like hey i'm done do you wanna play and i'm like yup and its like okay, cept it still was the starter edition with all of its disappointing limitedness