Intel Core i5 2320 @ $175 Asrock H61M U3S3 @ $70 Gigabyte Radeon HD6850 @ $160 ($140 after mail in rebate) Mushkin 2x4GB 1333MHz @ $38 ($33 after mail in rebate) Corsair CX430 V2 @ $45 ($25 after mail in rebate) Antec One Hundred @ $50 Windows 7 Home Premium x64 @ $90 DVD Burner @ $17
Yup you should be able to run SC2 just fine. you low balled a bit on your motherboard but it should be ok. your video card is good enough but not strong enough for you to run on extreme or ultra smoothly. especially in 4v4, your computer will struggle. I've built several computers for sc2, and I noticed that 4gb isn't enough for power users. Even though the recommended is around 2-3gb. SC2 takes up 70-80% of your 4gb of ram. Usually you want it to be around 40%, this is useful if you like to multitask, such as ALT-TAB out of the game to do other things, or run programs in the background. If you just want to play 1v1s and not run too many things at the same, time you are all set. If you want to be a hardcore power user, you might want to increase your RAM and video card. motherboard if you can.
ok what about i changed to i5 2500 the ram is 8 GB does not it? i want to play sc2 1vs1 smoothly, while listening to music, and graphics in low but textures in high or ultra... thanks for your time pd: also, if i need another graphic card, which one could be the one ? sorry not good at computers
your original i5 is fine, obviously higher is better 8GB of RAM is perfect, as it will prepare you for future changes, and it will never go above 70% of usage, unless you do something crazy which is fine also. I strongly suggest Nvidia cards for SC2 as they are partners, the GTX series were practically made for SC2. The lowest GTX you should go for is the GTX 460 MSi. There are different companies that make these cards, I find MSi design is better because they put big open fans on the heat sync rather than closed fans. Closed fans are bad because dust gets caught in it, and will cause overheating and breaking. If ever you have the extra cash, I always recommend getting a Solid State Drive (SSD), I have a 60GB SSD ($150, pretty expensive) and oh my god, I load SC2 so quick, I'm always the first one to finish loading in games. It's extremely fast, your computer will turn on in 30 seconds, from pushing the button to having your desktop ready.
so this is the final build i will buy the cd/dvd later and the HD later, but i will be able to play 1vs1 smoothly while listening to music ?
perfectly smooth, you'll be very happy, you'll even be able to play on ultra settings pretty well. Anytime you would feel some lag, would only be caused by either a virus or a computer hiccup. know that I took into consideration that you have other simple applications running at the same time as SC2