When browsing the clan forums, I noticed that all of the gaming clans have banners in their sections right below the announcements. This led me to wonder why we don't have banners in the rest of the sections, as it is clearly possible to implement. We used to have banners on the original SMS forums and it was a neat feature showing various pictures besides the forum header at the top. The banners are interesting to look at, so why not implement them in all of the sections? Each section could have a different banner that fits the forum's topic (the Protoss section would have pictures of Protoss stuff, space junk would have ijff's avi and a can of spam, etc.). We can even host some contests to come up with the banners, that would also help inject some money into the new shop once it's finished and up to 100% (if needed I could even oversee the contests) So what do you say? Banners; yay or nay?
Nah, it'd just take up more space, be more to load and make it look cheesy. Maybe something special for Space Junk and stuff, possibly even the Terran, Zerg and Protoss discussion as well, for the cycle of images at the very top of the screen, kinda like how Space Junk had its own image in the old layout, but I don't think we need banners in the noticeboards.
I'd be willing to implement if someone created some banners of the correct size that were tasteful. You can use the clan banners as a model.
Yay for contests, but am I misunderstanding that you'd like the banner of the section you're viewing to appear up there? The point of a banner is to advertise something not there, so people can click it and go there, so in this case a different section banner would make more sense, possibly selected randomly every page load.
Hmm actually that gives me another idea, quick nav buttons, each ection gets a button say 20x200 that will take you directly to that section and be styl;ed so you can tell what it leads to without even reading it. Alternativley, instead of having banners in the notification spot like the clan ones, the title banner (whats behind the forum logo) is what is changed based on the section. Would that also work? Also what size is that?
I don't know that, but I think banners should be restricted to clans if they want them. They would probably look messy on other boards. When sc2 is finally released, a lot of people will come to these forums looking for maps and possibly some tactics and stuff. It will be important to have the forum look as clean as possible for that. -and lots of images slow the forum down- By the way, over 100 views and 7 votes? If you do not want take the effort to post, then at least vote. You came to this topic knowing it was a poll on banners. So why not vote. :s