I have found 3 bugs in the reputation system. - If you add reputation it says: you added to the reputation of this person may you be lucky enough to recieve it back. This is suggesting people should give reputation for reputation, which is against the rules. - Strangely enough, it gives you exactly the same message when you remove reputation from a person. - When you add or remove reputation, the reputation line disappears from the profile of that person. -in the topic where you adjusted it in-
I have found those too, but we had that up some time ago, and the first two couldnt be removed I think.
That's not so much of a bug as an oversight. Theres a few mislabeled things around here. As for the button dissapearing, presumably that is so you don't give rep multiple times to the same post.
I believe BoP is right with his latter comment on why the icon dissapears. As for the comment you recieve after giving out reputation I have noticed it but I have no idea what I would do to go about changing it and it really isn't that high on the priorities list.
Isn't there some sort of settings screen for that then? Hmm, I will try to find that out. As for the button disappearing, that is just a weird reason, because it will not even let you change reputation of a person more then once a day.
I found the control for it after all, I changed the the comment given to you when you change someone's reputation. EDIT: And no Forsaken while there is a settings screen for most things as far as actions go, when you are dealing with actual words you have to hunt down the phase that governs whatever comment you are looking at (which is what I just figured out).
Lol, I was just looking at the manual and it says nothing about that. It does say something about ranks changing by rep adds. How many rep adds were they expecting. :s Seriously though, two more -sort of- suggestions: why not uprade the forum to 3.8.1.? Could do some good stuff, but I have no time now to look at all of the changes since 3.7.0.. Further, why not use ranks instead of titles? They also add tiny pictures next to the titles, which kicks ass.
Heh, I am a low grade jury rigger anything along the lines of major site supdates is not my jurisdiction.
If I had a pc at the moment I would yell: screenied! But I will say now: goodnight mr low grade -but quite awesome- zzzz...