Well, if you're reading this, then I can assume you're a constant reader of The Arts section. Therefore, I can also assume you have read at least some of the Terran Story our community has so far created, are creating, and will create. This challenge is similar. 10 members will be creating a poem with a length of 10 stanzas, each stanza containing 4 lines. To reduce limitations, there will be no limit on the length of the lines. However, please consider that the first stanza 'sets down' the 'rhythm' if you will of the poem, so please try to follow it's structure loosely. The only solid rules are as follows: Each participant is limited to a single stanza. This allows for 10 participants. Each stanza must contain exactly 4 lines, of any length. Each contribution may be made at any time and in any order. The tenth stanza ends the poem. To give the poem a loose meaning, I will be giving it a 1-word title. If you are not pleased with the title, be ensured that there will be other titles, and I will take title recommendations from participants in private messages, but ONLY participants. So if you take part in one you don't like so much, there is a higher chance that you will get to take part in one you do. Please do not interrupt any poem until after the tenth stanza has been made. The first post after a release of a poem title MUST be the first stanza. If no post is made after a few days, I will start the poem. If any of the 4 solid rules are broken, do not add a stanza until a moderator fixes it. I will usually make a post saying a rule was broken, which I will have the moderator delete. Please, do not be intimidated. Just write from your depths, and no mockery will be made of your attempt. The first poem title is... Awakening Good luck!
in darkness deep, a shadow moves forgotten secrets, seeks the light a future grim, that was not sought a slow return, of things that were
the beast in water that burns the air swimming through the stream of time upon the present, t'will burst forth birthing smoldering despair
Out of the smoke, arose their defeat Cast into Shadow, sealed beyond time Breaking Down the gate, the tribes will rise again Stalking hot blood, hungry for warm meat.
Terran Poemist [Seize our Victory The sun is drying and we are dieing.. The Shadow casts no mercy.... Fate Has our Destiny of Death... Amidst the Horrible Creatures.. Out for War is what we seek.
The piercing pain, drives us insane We lament, but only in vain... Time and time again we are driven to no end But when will our hunger ever be fed?
The pleas of the people going to air Always wondering if this is fair A cry, hurting the childs sinew Damage that can never be renewed
Arrives in haste the Priest in justice Renewing the plague erasing the malice The church of forgotten will be rebuilt Though, war only inflicted holy guilt.
It kinda fell through because everybody was all super symbolic and nobody really knew where anybody was going and we all just threw out random words. Also, I'm not sure if your post is trolling or going to become spam or what since it is your first post and technically this thread doesn't really offer helpful information, but I responded as if you were sincere anyway.