Hello. I am a noob. I've played numerous unranked and 1 ranked. Of course I'm Terran, don't know any different. But one thing I noticed HEAVILY in unranked was the amount of Reaper rushing at the start. Mainly to get around that pesky blockades. It's an obvious tactic but I'd like to know what people think is the best defence against these rocket jumpers. In absolute fairness - it's a tactic I've been abusing myself to decent success. But I'm sick of each game descending into this (hopefully ranked/without noob blockades) there will be less of this. But I've found it easy to wreck peoples economy so no doubt people are going to be wrecking mine. So what will it be? Mass Marines? They are so slow though Hellions? Little bit slower to tech to no? Or shall I just continue harassing with my own reapers :/
i dont play terran, but i think maruaders may work (w/ concussive shells). even w/out shells, just palce a few near ur mineral line
Thanks man. Jeez I'm really starting to struggle here in the actual ranked games. It seems the order of the day is immediate mass rushing. I've been whipped by a 10 stalker/blink rush, I've been whipped by 4 warpgate rush, I've been whipped by a cannon rush (rather embarassingly), I;ve been whipped by a protoss setting down gas in MY base (even more embarassing) and the one zerg I played it was an open map and I found it difficult to wall in. Protoss are the big problem here - I can't seem to out-build against Stalker rushes. Bah.. here goes ANOTHER try... The thing is I'm desperately wanting to get my own attack together first so I'm a) trying to create a reasonable defence and b) trying to get enough marines together + starprot + medivac to do a 8-12 man drop. Unfortunately I can't seem to do both. Next attempt: teching straight to siege tankl.....
The thing is... marauders + stim >>>> any gate unit. add in a few rines u got urself an army for endgame >=d jkjk but no seriously.
Thanks again for the help. Got my *** busted a few times again lol Never been a massive fan of stim as it removes health? Considering I'm mostly walled in (even around 6-7 min mark) I thought Maurauders would be better keeping their health and kind of staying where they are?
10 hp is nothing compared to chasing down and killing some reapers. You can always tech to medivacs later anyways and btw...you dont need to stim all ur marauders...just stim a couple and have them slow the reapers down. stim is good when ur army needs more firepower or u need to micro
Stim is amazing. I am bronze also and would do some practice games with you if you'd like Antmoss Character code 310
Then you are handicapping yourself quite a lot. The extra movement and attack speed at the right time is dramatically better than losing that health. If you watch games of top players on Youtube, terran players ALWAYS stim and engage. Furthermore, if you get medivacs, you'll be able to regenerate that health anyways. If you're still unsure, try doing a game where you just research stim as quickly as possible, build up as much infantry as you can, then attack your opponent's base as soon as stim is done. That, executed precisely, will get you to gold by itself. Only mass stalkers does not work well against your stimmed infantry at all. Marauders+stim = dead stalkers. If you have concussive shells or medivacs too, that's even better.