Hey guys, uhm again if you saw my last post,of course im sorta new to this forum, but i need help getting an avatar. I dont quite seem how to get the picture you want as your avatar. Do i like drag the picture to it,because when i do my whole screen just turns into that picture. If you help me on this i'd VERYVERY appreciate it, and also please answer my other post, Thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about me on Starcraft 1 (Broodwar) IGN:ModAllstar (NO SPACE) Gateway:East Status:0wins 0 lost Clan:N/A Maps owned:N/A (Still working on how to get it) Oh yea, add me if you want by doing this /f(space)add(space)(Player's name) so its /f add ModAllstar
80 x 80 pixels, any image file, User Control Panel (http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/profile.php?do=editavatar), either upload the file straight from your computer, or use a site like imageshack.us or photobucket.com.
Hahaha thanks Willy, your so helpful! i finnaly got my avatar,but i still can find the solution to my other problem
Willy, helping people, wow. We need a new faq page, we used to have one. I don't think we do anymore.
Thanks on The "Welcome" You guys think you can kinda explain to me how to make a use map setting game? Still having trouble on that post