Hi! My best friend is really into Starcraft, and his birthday is soon. I wanted to get him a minimalist-style poster or something, but I'm picky and couldn't find anything I really liked. I decided to make my own, and not only is it my first time doing any vector drawing, I also don't know very much about Starcraft (though he's teaching me!). So basically, I was hoping that you guys could, first of all, look at what I've got for my vector drawing so far and see if you can even tell what it is supposed to be (oh man, I hope so), and secondly, if you could help me come up with something Zerg-appropriate to write on the bottom when it's all done. So far I've got "Infest the World" or "Outnumber Them," but I'm open to any and all suggestions. Hopefully I get some replies soon, cause I should probably delete this relatively soon in case he stumbles upon it somehow... Thanks!
It's obviously a queen. Outnumber them? That won't work man. Something like "For the Swarm" or, "Swift wrath to all who oppose the Swarm". Even better, write "Awaken my child, embrace the glory that is your birthright". If he has played the original Starcraft then he will understand it. Also moved to the arts section....
Know that I am the Overmind, the eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me.
"Behold that I shall set you amongst the greatest of my Cerebrates, that you might benefit from their wisdom and experience." Man I love reading that in the overminds voice lol.... Are you going to try more than just the queen for a poster?
Awesome. Thanks for the input. I clearly have no clue what I'm doing. I'm just getting into Starcraft, and admittedly it's really the first game of its kind that I've ever played, so I was at a total loss as to whether or not I was on track here. As for the poster, the design is still up in the air. I'm really, really slow at vector drawing, so we'll see how it goes. Thank you for the help!