Hi In my custom map I have 1 start location for player 1 but when I load the game the camera doesn't position at the start location. Any suggestions? Is there something I can do in the trigger editor to fix that?
Goodness, I missed this two weeks ago. Have you taken a look at the default melee triggers for new maps and seeing if it happens there?
No its not that. I think I fixed it now cause its working. I think the problem was in player properties cause when I tested the map I started as player 0 and the start location is for player 1. I deleted player 0 now and so far it is working.
No actually it is not fixed I am still having the same problem. Help please? My map is a custom map not a melee. Do custom maps use melee triggers and is it wise to still use melee triggers for custom maps?
I like new year's too much to delete this guy's only two posts, even though they're in the wrong thread and are a double post. You can probably make a trigger that happens once at map initialization that focuses player 1's camera on the start location.
What should I use in the camera category? I can't use apply camera object cause there is no where I can select the start location. I used the 'Make camera look at' property but the angle was funny and I couldn't move the camera. Unless I did something wrong with that property I don't know. The only other property I can think of is maybe pan camera but I don't know what it actually does. Advice?
Use pan camera. "Make camera look at" rotates the camera until it is staring at whatever you told it to look at, but the camera itself doesn't move its position. This is why you got a weird angle.