Just got through watching the series premiere. It did not disappoint (not that it would, considering the director was storyboard artist/background consultant for Avatar: The Last Airbender). I want it to be next Friday so I can keep watching [youtube]t095V7lg-jw[/youtube] EDIT: Here's some theme music: [youtube]V0qY0r35XRM[/youtube]
Yeah I watched it. It was awesome. You think the next episode will be next friday? Just wish the Cats had more tech.
Definitely on Friday; There was a little bit just after the show saying they'll be airing new episodes Fridays at 8:30/7:30c. I'm so pumped for it...it's like being six years old all over again.
I just haven't had time for tv lately, I have no idea if they've even continued on. I've not seen any since the first. *sadface*