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Tosh or Nova?

Discussion in 'Wings of Liberty Campaign Discussion' started by BloodHawk, Jul 28, 2010.


Who did you help?

  1. Tosh

    39 vote(s)
  2. Nova

    22 vote(s)

Tosh or Nova?

  1. BronzeKnee

    BronzeKnee Guest

    Easy for me, Nova.

    Tosh lied to me, over and over, and hid his intentions with the minerals and gas. And also of the rescue of prisoners. He used me.

    Now Nova could be lying, they might not be psychopaths, and she could be using me to stop Tosh. I mean there might just be political prisoners and such locked up in Folsom, not real criminals. Of course listening to a Dominion Assassin is hard, who would of course want to turn Tosh and I against each other...

    But choose between someone who has lied, and someone who could lie?

    I can't trust Tosh, how do I know he won't stab me in the back later (not to mention if his men are psychopaths)? He gets the boot, and I'll take Ghosts, and get the unreliable Spectre/Ghost characters out of my life.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2010
  2. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    Tosh never lied... he merely didn't tell Raynor the whole truth. And if he had, would Raynor have helped some stranger claiming that he is a super-ghost trying to rescue and reactivate his spectre buddies? I doubt it.

    Tosh may have hidden the truth, but he had good intentions the entire time. Also, he's a badass.
  3. Mattata

    Mattata New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Tosh was a pretty cool guy, obviously i played thru and tried both but I picked him first. I dunno he feels more "Starcraftie" to me, hes a battle hardened crazy killer type who belongs more in the game. Not saying Nova has no place, but I figured Tosh would be funner.
  4. sapientia24

    sapientia24 Guest

    chose nova, nova the ghosts she gave you is better. That and I don't like Tosh - when I started talking to tosh which is after you help him on that volcano planet I immeditaly didn't like him and was hoping to permanetly get rid of him and then here comes nova to save the day.
  5. Felidae

    Felidae Guest

    Nova always was and still is my favorite SC character, not just for the good looks, but also and especially for her background-story (For those that want to know more about her, there is a whole Novel about her ^_^).

    So it was a real easy choice for me, but that she killed off that stupid ugly Tosh after siding with her, was a REAL bonus! I disliked him from the moment he set foot on Raynors' ship; good riddance him. I hope that when the story is progressed by Blizzard that they go with this plot option.
  6. Galgus

    Galgus New Member

    Aug 16, 2010
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    I chose Nova because Tosh wasn't exactly honest, and how he is hints that Nova was right about Spectres.

    I mean, he didn't even tell you why he wanted all the things he did until Nova showed up- when was he going to let you in on that?

    And then I didn't train a single Ghost afterwards.
  7. Timedevour

    Timedevour Guest

    I personally went with Tosh, mainly because I liked his character, and also because Nova is working for the Dominion... the chances that she was lying to try and split Raynor and Tosh up was greater than the chance that Tosh was plotting to kill Raynor.

    @ Felidae... I personally hope that Tosh's path gets chosen, mainly because I want to see Tosh and Nova's story expanded. They were together once... Who knows? Maybe Tosh hates the Dominion (at least partially) because they mind wiped Nova, essentially taking her away from him? It could make for an interesting story... Or, if Nova does convince Raynor, at least I hope that it doesn't turn out that Tosh gets killed.
  8. Siege Tank

    Siege Tank New Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    I went with Nova.

    Yes, I did it because she was a girl.
  9. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Tosh cause I like reagge.

    I dont remember if Specters have EMP tho, those are critical for beating Kerrigan on Brutal in "All In".

    One of my pendings :(
  10. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    The first time I took nova because I didn't wanted to be teamed with a guy who dont care to murder thousand of civilian to beat the dominion.(watch a broadcast i dont know wich one)

    Specter can get a skill that allow them to do massive damage.(using 2 time that skill kill a thor)
  11. pooma

    pooma New Member

    Aug 19, 2010
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    I helped Tosh and never used spectres later in campaign...
  12. Felidae

    Felidae Guest

    --- Warning - Lore Spoiler ---

    Well during their time at the Ghost Academy they were for a short moment romantically drawn to each other (even kissed once), but that was before Tosh became a specter. Back then he also was fiercely Dominion Pro. Nova herself locked forward to the memory-wipe as she wanted to rid herself of all the awful memories she accumulated since her family was murdered. I'm looking forward to the coming Specter novel and graphic Novel Ghost Academy Vol. 3 to finally fill those background gaps. I am just guessing but I m sure his anti Dominion stance originates from what happens to him when he and others are made into specters.

    While I never was a big Tosh fan I still kinda liked him the way he was in Ghost Academy; sorta the caring and righteous type. But now he seems nearly as corrupt and bloodthirsty as Mengsk himself. A few hundred or thousand innocent workers die during one of his terror attacks on a dominion facility, but it is justified for him in his holy-war against Mengsk.

    Jim gets called by Mengsk a Terrorist, but is really a freedom fighter. Tosh on the other-hand has become a real Terrorist in his search for revenge. And that is why I really hope we have seen the end of him. ;-D
  13. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Based only on the fact that I have only played StarCraft/BroodWar, SC2. Roll playing myself as Raynor threw the entire game I picked:

    1. Exterminate the colony (Selendis choice).
    My reasoning for this was quiet simple, I never could bring myself to trust Dr. Hanson. SAY WHAT?! That's right. I didn't believe her character for a minuet! She came across to me as a big fat phony (which I think Blizzard very well intentionally did with her voice acting) as compared to anyone else I ran into.

    For some reason, people take her "locking" herself into the lab as her turning herself into a Zerg, but I watched that cut scene again and again and saw nothing in it to indicate that is what she did. She called the settlers "her children." That one fact confirmed my deep suspicions, along with her speech at me as a Zerg (being that the Zerg speech felt completely honest and not phony at all). She was the ring leader in the settlers turning Zerg all along, and I was right about it.

    It might seem that not saving the settlers would go far too much against Raynor's character. In fact, if the information about the "canon" plot is true, the only rationalization I would see if it being the correct choice would be that Raynor would never let innocents die let alone kill them himself. This would eventually lead to a huge back stabbing in the Zerg Campaign by Dr. Hanson.

    And who warned me about her being a "Honey pot." Tosh did. Which leads me to my 2nd choice.

    2. Side with Tosh
    Tosh had warned me about Dr. Hanson, and he was warning be about stuff I was already concerned about. I may not have trusted him at first and he may have used me at first, but I did gain from everything he had me do. I felt Tosh was someone who may open up to me as time goes on, and I feel he will once he knows he can trust me. He helped me out a lot in his own way, but he was cautious, he was watching me to make sure I wasn't anything like Mengsk. He was right to do so, since I had been played for a fool just like him, I would have done the same thing.

    The thing is, after making the choice to wipe out the settlers, Tosh was pretty much cemented in as being trustworthy to my cause. He was right, and he warned me while not directly telling me "she's a Zerg" because if he had done that, I sure as hell wouldn't have believed him at the time. Suddenly, his hidden intentions didn't bother me so much. I wagered I would bide my time and he'd tell me as he grew to trust in me.

    After freeing the prisoners from the prison and seeing that they weren't all lunatic people, but simply civilians that had been locked up by Mengsk for speaking out against him, I knew I had made the right choices. Tosh was rather righteous in helping free all of those people. Unless his real intent was to free a specific few people, I still think it was proper.

    Also, what does Tosh have to gain by back stabbing me and killing me? He looses an ally against Mengsk, and he sure has hell as figured out that I have no intention of becoming an emperor like Mengsk. His greatest fear is the cycle of war repeating itself and having more inner human war and chaos, or so he says, but I can't help but believe him. I have those same fears as well! Hell, I don't even think I am going to live threw this ordeal anyway.

    If Tosh manipulated my trust for him, he sure has hell did a good job, and a much better one then Dr. Hanson did.

    I need to finish playing the game now. 4/5 missions to go. -_-
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2010
  14. Galgus

    Galgus New Member

    Aug 16, 2010
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    Its an interesting speculation that Hanson was infested all along- but doesn't the computer screen hint that she rushed the cure and thus infested herself?

    Or was the "cure" really the zerg virus itself, and that is why the monitor showed what it did?

    Or perhaps while she was accelerating the Infestation spreading through the colonies she used the lab to accelerate her own to try to kill James Raynor once she knew that the colony was lost- since inevitably she would be checked for infestation after what they saw on Haven.

    SC2 leaves so much room for hidden background information and conspiracy theories- I hope that stuff like this is expanded upon in Heart of the Swarm.

    Perhaps your choices in WoL will affect HotS, since I never felt like the decisions had much impact on the story other than units and the fate of Hanson/ Tosh.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2010
  15. BehindTheMask

    BehindTheMask New Member

    Aug 30, 2010
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    Personally, I helped Hanson and Tosh.

    I have no way of being sure of Hanson's infestation, indeed it could have been present from the start; however that doesn't mean she was a villian.

    Perhaps while searching for a cure, she was able to suppress the infestation until discovering a cure. That would explain the bad feelings about her from Tosh. Her concern for the colonists seems rather legitimate to me and I believe helping her was the correct choice.

    I mean heck; a cure is possibly. Take Alexi Stukov for example.

    As for Tosh, the first time through I sided with Nova; I had believed her and blindly followed her, and probably Mengsk's propaganda.

    However, when I finally helped Tosh I truly felt I made the wrong choice the first time... While they cinematic may show part of his darker destructive side, the end too me revealed some humanity left in the spectre and it clearly seemed to weigh on his mind,,, Raynors realization that is.

    idk, its just my opinion.
  16. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    I really doubt that Hansen was infested the whole time. If she was, why would she send the distress signal from Agria in the first place? And if she wasn't then, how could she have become infested when she was aboard the Hyperion the whole time? Yes she was a little "emotionless" but I think that's just by bad voice acting.

    What seems much more plausible is that the entire infestation took place while Raynor was busy cleansing the colonists on Haven. In her anger at Raynor's choice, she locked herself in the lab and hastily tried everything she could think of with the zerg viral sample in her attempt to find a cure before Raynor could kill the colonists. But she disregarded her own safety and inadvertently exposed herself to the virus, which quickly consumed her.
  17. Stirlitz

    Stirlitz Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    I went with Tosh on my first playthrough cause I didn't wanna help the dominion by helping Nova. On my third playthrough on brutal though I picked Nova, cause I prefer the ghosts and I think that the dmg vs light, +3 sight and range will make them ideal for bunkering on all in (kerrigan's armor is light anyway).

    As for the Haven mission, on my first playthrough I went with Protoss because well, I like them. On my second playthrough I went both Tosh and Ariel cause I didn't get to try spectres out on the first, lol, and now that I'm on my 3rd on brutal I sided with the protoss again cause basicly I like protoss and they usually have a good reason for doing something :p
  18. Galgus

    Galgus New Member

    Aug 16, 2010
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    The story honestly leaves the Hansen information back a lot- I hope it is brought up in HotS.
  19. toni

    toni New Member

    Sep 10, 2010
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    i chose nova because of her background story and because she reminded my of kerrigan.

    besides, gohsts are very helpful in the all in mission angainst kerrigan
  20. Stirlitz

    Stirlitz Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    I wanna get the sc novels and comics sometime but the bookstores in my town are quite sucky with stuff they bring so it's kinda hard to find :S