Kind of an idea, map-specific: Would it be feasible to get a early second wall as terran to deny map control for ground forces on mining areas? That would be after the first wall (supply-rax-supply) and should be rax-bay. My reasons for rax-bay: - rax has a good price/health ratio and quite good health and can produce marines/marauders to defend the location and make it more costly to bust. - Bay. The best price/health ratio structure available. Very fast to build (40 sec) for 850 hp, which also make it the building with the fastest repair hp/sec ratio (over 24hp/sec). At this repair ratio, one scv repairing can hold the attack of 3 zerling or 3 roaches indefinitely if there are resources available. 4 scv repairing can hold the damage of 1 baneling per second indefinitely which makes me think if it's possible to create artificial choke points on the map by bringing two Bays and landing in front of your troupes to make your positioning harder to break. Now, back to second wall-in: Would it worth the 150+125 to contain a mining area in the early to mid-game? That is not at your natural, rather to a free spawn location (on more than 2 players map)
Not really. You would get reinforcements from different directions which can be quite awkward (I play Zerg so I know a lot about this lol). As for bays, you can't lift them in my version of the game. Moreover, anyone who attacks a wall with roaches instead of the repairing SCVs is incompetent and you should be able to win against them with an SCV rush or some other serious strategy.
What kuvasz is saying is that SCV rush > your idea. I tihnk it's nice actually. As toss, i just try to be sneaky instead of defending another expansion
Isn't the Bay 3 x 4 size? Since the range of roaches is 4, wouldn't only the first line of roaches be able to hit the SCVs? It also depends to the ramp width on how many roaches can hit over the wall. As terran, you will get reinforcements from different direction only for the early age of the game. Later facilities can be build on the main base, rendering the Barrack in the extra-wall-in to little importance as unit production building and more as ...errrr... wall. Yes, I guess there is a good reason you can't lift of Bays . Having one build in 35 seconds to create a 850 obstacle with +2 armor between the enemy and your tanks, does worth thinking, don't you believe? Even if you don't repair it, it takes 11 banelings to drop it.
consider your building placements, you dont want your opponent to destroy your engineering bay while u are upgrading something. thats why you put a rax and supply depot because they are replaceable easily
Well, I've never said you should use your ONLY and lonely e-bay to wall / block. Actually, it doesn't worth finishing it, just build it up to over 800hp so you may cancel it later. And I would not get upgrades from a exposed building. And to rebuild a e-bay takes 40 sec, while tech-ing to cloacked banshee or dt it's quite a long way.